Join us in the Junior & Middle School Visions in Harmony!
We're thrilled to invite you to the Junior & Middle School Visions in Harmony! This is a wonderful opportunity to witness your child's...
Join us in the Junior & Middle School Visions in Harmony!
Join us in Loose Thread’s pre-loved bazaar!🛍
Introducing Our New High School Psychology Teacher: Ms. Melisa Mangunsong
University Acceptance Class of 2024: Congratulations Albert Hui
🌱 SPH Parenting Podcast New Episode is Here! | Cherish Parenting: Episode 5 - Mengajarkan dan Menghidupi Nilai Kerajaan Allah 🎙️
Introducing Our New High School English Teacher: Mr. Joshua Kim
Introducing Our New Middle School STEM Teacher: Mr. Eduard
Introducing Our New Middle & High School Korean Teacher: Ms. Jeongwon Ju
Introducing Our New Middle & High School Arts Teacher: Ms. Olivia Wang
Introducing Our New High School English Teacher: Ms. Tatiana Putra