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School Supplies List (2023-2024)

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Parents, we want to provide you with access to SPH Kemang Village Supplies List, making sure your child is fully equipped for a successful year.

You can easily access the Supplies List by clicking on the following link:


In addition to the Supplies List, we also want to remind you of the two convenient options available for your shopping needs:

1. Online Bookstore: You can browse and purchase our recommended books and supplies online through our website. To start shopping, simply click on the link below: Online Bookstore

If you are new to online shopping with us or need guidance on how to navigate our website and place an order, please refer to our shopping guide available here: Shopping Guide.

2. Offline Bookstore: If you prefer to shop in person, our offline bookstore is also available. To ensure a smooth visit, please schedule an appointment with us in advance. Our offline bookstore is open for appointments from Monday to Friday between 1 PM and 3 PM.

To book an appointment, please contact Findy Financy at with your preferred date and time, and we will do our best to accommodate your visit.

We are committed to making your shopping experience as convenient as possible, whether online or in person, ensuring your child is well-prepared for school in 2023-2024.

If you have any further questions or require assistance, please feel free to reach out to us.

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